Provides access to details about License Management in OpsCompass.
Gets a secret for a single configuration passed.
--id [vcenter_configuration_id | oracle_database_configuration_id | msql_configuration_id | msql_default_credential_id | oracle_default_credential_id]
--record-type ['oracle_database_configuration' | 'vcenter_configuration' | 'msql_configuration' | 'msql_shared_monitoring_credential' | 'oracle_shared_monitoring_credential'create-oracle-shared-credential
Creates Oracle shared credentials
--monitoring-configuration-id monitoring configuration ID to make the shared credentials for
--user (optional) [string]
--password (optional) [string]delete-oracle-shared-credential
Delete a Oracle shared credential
--id ID of the oracle shared credential to deleteget-oracle-default-credential
Get Oracle default credential record
--monitoring-configuration-id monitoring configuration ID to get the default credentials forupdate-oracle-shared-credential
Update Oracle shared credential record
--id ID of the oracle shared credential to update
--user (optional) [string]
--password (optional) [string]create-msql-shared-credential Creates
MSQL shared credentials
--monitoring-configuration-id monitoring configuration ID to make the shared credentials for
--user (optional) [string]
--password (optional) [string]
--directory-auth (optional) 'SESSION' | nulldelete-msql-shared-credential
Delete a MSQL shared credential
--id ID of the msql shared credential to deleteget-msql-default-credential
Get MSQL default credential record
--monitoring-configuration-id monitoring configuration ID to get the default credentials forupdate-msql-shared-credential
Update MSQL shared credential record
--id ID of the msql shared credential to update
--user (optional) [string]
--password (optional) [string]
--directory-auth (optional) 'SESSION' | nulllist-monitoring-configurations
Lists all of the monitoring configurations associated with the given company.
--company [company_slug] (default: opscompass)mask-monitoring-configurations
Tools for managing sensitive data associated with the given company.
--company [company_slug] (default: opscompass)
Actions available for maskValues:
: dumps the mask table for the specified property
lookup: gets a value from mask
set: sets a value to mask
--type ( md5 | sha256 ) [required]
property[=value] [required]get-monitoring-configuration
Get a single monitoring configuration associated with the given company.
--id [monitoring_configuration_id]
--asFile (optional) {true|false} - fetch configuration as a file
--saveFile (optional) {true|false} [save-path] - save configuration (implies asFile)read-monitoring-configuration
Reads a local monitoring configuration associated with the given company.
--id [monitoring_configuration_id]
--list-details - return the file metadataget-network-discovery-configuration
Get a single network discovery configuration.
--id [network_discovery_configuration_id]create-monitoring-configuration
Create a single monitoring configuration associated with the given company.
--company [company_slug] (default: opscompass)
--configurationName [configuration name]
--autoUpdateScripts (optional) [true | false] automatically update all scripts when the scripts are run.
--autoUpdateConfigurations (optional) [true | false] automatically update all configurations when scripts are run.create-network-discovery-configuration
Creates a new networking discovery configuration associated with the given monitoring configuration.
--monitoring-configuration-id [monitoring_configuration_id]
--oracle-ports (optional) comma seperated list of valid port numbers to look for oracle connections
--mssql-ports (optional) comma seperated list of valid port numbers to look for mssql connections
--other-ports (optional) comma seperated list of valid port numbers to look for misc connections
--dns-servers (optional) comma seperated list of valid IPV4 DNS servers to use for DNS resolution. Can be specified multiple times
--subnet (optional) If supplied --subnet-name is also required. Valid IPV4 CIDR block as an input. Can be supplied multiple times
--subnet-name (optional) If supplied --subnet is also required. Name for the next/last subnet block provided. Can be supplied multiple times.update-network-discovery-configuration
Updates an existing networking discovery configuration. If an optional parameter is not provided, it is assumed that the field should be set to undefined.
--id [network_discovery_configuration_id]
--oracle-ports (optional) comma seperated list of valid port numbers to look for oracle connections
--mssql-ports (optional) comma seperated list of valid port numbers to look for mssql connections
--other-ports (optional) comma seperated list of valid port numbers to look for misc connections
--dns-servers (optional) comma seperated list of valid IPV4 DNS servers to use for DNS resolution. Can be specified multiple times
--subnet (optional) If supplied --subnet-name is also required. Valid IPV4 CIDR block as an input. Can be supplied multiple times
--subnet-name (optional) If supplied --subnet is also required. Name for the next/last subnet block provided. Can be supplied multiple times.list-oracle-database-configurations
Lists all of the oracle database configurations associated with the given monitoring configuration
--monitoring-configuration-id [monitoring_configuration_id]get-oracle-database-configuration
Get a single oracle database configuration associated with the given monitoring configuration
--id [oracle_database_configuration_id]list-vcenter-configurations
Lists all of the vcenter configurations associated with the given monitoring configuration
--monitoring-configuration-id [monitoring_configuration_id]get-vcenter-configuration
Get a single vcenter configuration associated with the given monitoring configuration
--id [vcenter_configuration_id]create-vcenter-configuration
Create a single vcenter configuration associated with the given monitoring configuration.
--monitoring-configuration-id [monitoring_configuration_id]
--name [unique name]
--action (optional) pass multiple times to define which actions this connection can take e.g. --action "skip" --action "vmotion"
--connection (optional) [the hostname or ip address]
--user (optional) [connection username]
--password (optional) [connection password]list-msql-configurations
Lists all of the msql configurations associated with the given monitoring configuration
--monitoring-configuration-id [monitoring_configuration_id]create-msql-configuration
Create a single msql configuration associated with the given monitoring configuration.
--monitoring-configuration-id [monitoring_configuration_id]
--name or --configuration-name [unique name]
--action (optional) pass multiple times to define which actions this connection can take e.g. --action "skip" --action "dbcompliance"
--server (optional) [the hostname or ip address]
--user (optional) [connection username]
--password (optional) [connection password]
--directory-auth (optional) ['SESSION' or NULL]get-msql-configuration
Get a single msql configuration associated with the given monitoring configuration
--id [msql_configuration_id]create-oracle-database-configuration
Create a single oracle database configuration associated with the given monitoring configuration.
--monitoring-configuration-id [monitoring_configuration_id]
--configuration-name [unique name]
--action (optional) pass multiple times to define which actions this connection can take e.g. --action "skip" --action "dbcompliance"
--user (optional) [user to use for connection]
--password (optional) [password to use for connection]
--server (optional) [server to use for connection]update-monitoring-configuration
Update a single monitoring configuration.
--id [monitoring_configuration id]
--name or --configuration-name (optional) [unique name]
--autoUpdateConfigurations (optional) [true | false]
--autoUpdateScripts (optional) [true | false]
--dataFileRetainDays (optional) [determines how many days to retain encrypted output files locally]
--dataFileRetainTextDays (optional) [determines how many days to retain individual script output files locally]
--forceFileEncryption (optional) [enforce encryption of datafiles before being sent]
--dataFileTag (optional) [used to help filename generation to prevent duplicate file names]
--mailFrom (optional) [Use parameter multiple times to send multiple email addresses. Identifies sender's email addresses when file delivery is done through email.]
--emailTo (optional) [Use parameter multiple times to send multiple email addresses. Identifies the destination email addresses when file delivery is done through email.]
--notificationEmailTo (optional) [Use parameter multiple times to send multiple email addresses. Identifies the destination email addresses when notifications are sent.]
--logFileRetainDays (optional) [determines how many days to retain log files locally]
--logFileTag (optional) [used to help filename generation to prevent duplicate file names]update-oracle-database-configuration
Update a single oracle database configuration.
--id [configuration id]
--name or --configuration-name (optional) [unique name]
--action (optional) pass multiple times to define which actions this connection can take --action "skip" --action "dbcompliance"
--user (optional) [user to use for connection]
--password (optional) [password to use for connection]
--server (optional) [server to use for connection]update-oracle-database-configurations
Bulk update oracle database configurations.
--id [configuration id]
--name or --configuration-name (optional) [unique name]
--action (optional) pass multiple times to define which actions this connection can take e.g. --action "skip" --action "dbcompliance"
--user (optional) [the user to use for the connection]
--password (optional) [the password to use for the connection]
--server (optional) [the server to use for the connection]
OR --json-updates [stringified json objects with your updates]
For quick updates, you may use the above parameters
e.g. opscompass license-manager update-oracle-database-configurations --id 57 --name "updatedName" --id 62 --name "otherUpdatedName" --id 77 --name "lastUpdatedName"
For larger updates, JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) may be used with the --json-updates flag
e.g. opscompass license-manager update-oracle-database-configurations --json-updates '[{"id":"57","configurationName":"updatedName"},{"id":"77", "configurationName":"otherUpdatedName", "action":"null"},{"id":"79", "configurationName":"lastUpdatedName"}]'
Update a single vcenter configuration.
--id [configuration id]
--name or --configuration-name (optional) [unique name]
--action (optional) pass multiple times to define which actions this connection can take e.g. --action 'skip' --action 'vmotion']
--connection (optional) [the hostname or ip address]
--user (optional) [connection username]
--password (optional) [connection password]update-vcenter-configurations
Bulk Update vcenter configurations.
--id [configuration id]
--name or --configuration-name (optional) [unique name]
--action (optional) pass multiple times to define which actions this connection can take e.g. --action "skip" --action "vmotion"
--connection (optional) [the hostname or ip address]
--user (optional) [connection username]
--password (optional) [connection password]
OR --json-updates [stringified json objects with your updates]
For quick updates, you may use the above parameters
e.g. opscompass license-manager update-vcenter-configurations --id 137 --name "updatedName" --id 138 --name "otherUpdatedName" --id 144 --name "lastUpdatedName" --action "skip" --action "vmotion";
For larger updates, JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) may be used with the --json-updates flag
e.g. opscompass license-manager update-vcenter-configurations --json-updates '[{"id":"137","configurationName":"updatedName"},{"id":"138","configurationName":"otherUpdatedName"},{"id":"144","configurationName":"lastUpdatedName", "actions":["skip", "vmotion"]}]'
Delete a monitoring configuration
--id [monitoring_configuration_id]delete-network-discovery-configuration
Delete a network discovery configuration
--id [network_discovery_configuration_id]delete-oracle-database-configuration
Delete a oracle database configuration
--id [oracle_database_configuration_id]delete-vcenter-configuration
Delete a vcenter configuration
--id [vcenter_configuration_id]delete-msql-configuration
Delete a msql configuration
--id [msql_configuration_id]update-msql-configuration
Update a single msql configuration.
--id [configuration id]
--name or --configuration-name (optional) [unique name]
--action (optional) pass multiple times to define which actions this connection can take e.g. --action 'skip' --action 'dblicensing'
--server (optional) [the server]
--user (optional) [connection username]
--password (optional) [connection password]
--directory-auth (optional) ['SESSION' or NULL]update-msql-configurations
Bulk Update Msql Configurations.
--id [configuration id]
--name or --configuration-name (optional) [unique name]
--action (optional) pass multiple times to define which actions this connection can take e.g. --action 'skip' --action 'dblicensing'
--server (optional) [the server]
--user (optional) [connection username]
--password (optional) [connection password]
--directory-auth (optional) ['SESSION' or NULL]
OR --json-updates [stringified json objects with your updates]
For quick updates, you may use the above parameters
e.g. opscompass license-manager update-msql-configurations --id 31 --name "newname" --server "233.533.343" --user "joe" --action "skip" --id 25 --name "secondname" --action "skip" --action "dblicensing"
For larger updates, JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) may be used with the --json-updates flag
e.g. opscompass license-manager update-msql-configurations --json-updates '[{"id":"25","configurationName":"25", "server":"100.232.2423", "user":"tony", "actions":["skip", "dblicensing"]}, {"id":"31","configurationName":"31", "server":"100.232.2423", "user":"tony", "actions":["skip", "dblicensing"]}]'
Gets the components that can be used to build MSSql entitlement objects.
--company [company_slug] (default: opscompass)create-mssql-entitlement
Creates a Mssql Entitlement record.
--company [company_slug] (default: opscompass)
--purchase-date [Date] the date of purchase.
Format: UTC, example: '2022-08-23T17:00:00Z' to set August 8th, 2022 at 17:00 UTC.
--quantity [number] the number for this entry
--support-start (optional) [Date] the date when support started
Format: UTC, example: '2022-08-23T17:00:00Z' to set August 8th, 2022 at 17:00 UTC.
--support-end (optional) [Date] the date when support ended
Format: UTC, example: '2022-08-23T17:00:00Z' to set August 8th, 2022 at 17:00 UTC.
--mssql-product [string] the slug of the associated mssql product
--mssql-edition [string] the slug of the associated mssql edition
--mssql-version [string] the slug of the associated mssql version
--mssql-metric [string] the slug of the associated mssql metricupdate-mssql-entitlement
Creates a Mssql Entitlement record.
--company [company_slug] (default: opscompass)
--id [number] the mssql entitlement record id
--purchase-date [Date] the date of purchase.
Format: UTC, example: '2022-08-23T17:00:00Z' to set August 8th, 2022 at 17:00 UTC.
--quantity [number] the number for this entry
--support-start (optional) [Date] the date when support started
Format: UTC, example: '2022-08-23T17:00:00Z' to set August 8th, 2022 at 17:00 UTC.
--support-end (optional) [Date] the date when support ended
Format: UTC, example: '2022-08-23T17:00:00Z' to set August 8th, 2022 at 17:00 UTC.
--mssql-product [string] the slug of the associated mssql product
--mssql-edition [string] the slug of the associated mssql edition
--mssql-version [string] the slug of the associated mssql version
--mssql-metric [string] the slug of the associated mssql metricdelete-mssql-entitlements
Deletes Mssql Entitlement records.
--company [company_slug] (default: opscompass)
--id [string] Use parameter multiple times to delete multiple records.list-mssql-assessments
Lists MSSQL Assessments
--company [company_slug] (default: opscompass)get-mssql-assessment
Get Full MSSQL Assessment
--assessmentId [number] The id of the assessment to retrieve.get-mssql-assessment-entitlements
Gets Entitlements for an MSSQL Assessment
--assessmentId [number] The id of the assessment to retrieve.
(DEPRECATED) get-mssql-assessment-license-usage-maps
Gets LicenseUsageMaps for an MSSQL Assessment
--assessmentId [number] The id of the assessment to retrieve.
(DEPRECATED) get-mssql-assessment-resources
Gets Resources for an MSSQL Assessment
--assessmentId [number] The id of the assessment to retrieve.check-mssql-config-metadata
Checks the mssql configuration metadata for a company.
--accountId [string] The account id for the company.
--company [company_slug] (default: opscompass)
--lastCollectedBefore [string] (optional) Only returns records that have not been collected since the given date. Format: UTC, example: '2022-08-23T17:00:00Z'check-oracle-config-metadata
Checks the oracle configuration metadata for a company.
--accountId [string] The account id for the company.
--company [company_slug] (default: opscompass)
--lastCollectedBefore [string] (optional) Only returns records that have not been collected since the given date. Format: UTC, example: '2022-08-23T17:00:00Z'