How do I navigate the inventory?

There are a few important things you can do from this screen.

Screenshot 2023-09-18 at 12.23.37 PMA) Identify:
The user can click through Accounts, Resource types, Regions, and Resources themselves to apply filters and investigate the current configuration of a resources, the previous drift on that resource, as well as the compliance history. 

B) Filter, Saved Filters, and Search:
Filter and Saved Filters: The user can Filter for specific resources, and save them afterwards. See these filter instructions for more information. 
Search: The user can search for the specific resource they are looking for by name. 

C) Add Account and Export Resources
Add Account: The user can add additional cloud accounts from here. 
Export Resources: The user can export a CSV file of the entire cloud inventory, or under the filters they specified.

Additional Resources:

What does the history of the resource show me in the inventory?