What is Opscompass Data Gathering?

The Opscompass product collects metadata for various cloud providers on behalf of our customers and presents it in useful dashboard views across cloud providers. This is done via an IAM role that is created as part of your initial Opscompass setup and gives you the ability to see a wealth of valuable information about your cloud-based environments. 

Beyond the base level of metadata included with the product, there is additional data that can only be collected by connecting to the underlying resources – such as database instances.

Examples of such data include configuration items that are identified by an industry-standard benchmark such as CIS, or license and features-usage for licensed software products or appliances. This type of data is gathered using the same process regardless of whether the resources are on-premises or cloud-based. 

In order to gather this type of data, a login to the monitored resource is usually required, and for this purpose, Opscompass Configurations is where you will enter the information needed to connect to the resource and gather the required data. 

High-Level Flow 

Step 1: Configure Data Gathering via the Opscompass UI 

Step 2: Configure a Data Gathering Appliance 

Step 2a (optional): Advanced configuration of the data gathering appliance 

Step 2b (optional): Data gathering in a secure environment 

Step 2c (optional): Data gathering without Internet access 

Step 3: Check the results in the UI