How do I add one user to multiple teams most efficiently? 

Only an OpsCompass Administrator with a "Manage Team" role is able to assign users to teams.

1.) Click the Avatar in the top right corner and select "Admin" from the list.

Screenshot 2023-09-14 at 2.35.07 PM


2.) Click on Manage Users and then click on any User you would like to adjust the teams to which they belong. 

Screenshot 2023-09-21 at 9.54.06 AM

3.) Click on the "Teams" that you want to add the user to from the list of company teams.

4.) Click "Update User"

Screenshot 2023-09-21 at 10.04.16 AM

The user is now a member of those teams, and can begin to acknowledge alerts. 



Additional Resource: How do I create a team

Steps to: Add multiple user to a single teams